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Friday, April 29, 2011

Captains of Crush - 3 basic ways to use Hand Grippers...

This will now be a 2-part post since I've recently deleted an old website and I'm combing the pages that were related to each other, along with adding the rest of the content amid multiple blogs, etc.

Part 1: "3 basic ways to use Hand Grippers..."

As I mentioned before on the "methods for building powerful forearms" post, the use of hand grippers is an excellent way to improve hand & forearm strength. Besides the fact that they are great for stress relief, if you buy the right kind of grippers, you can develop crushing, bone-breaking grip power in a relatively short period of time. However, when I say, "the right kind of grippers," I'm not talking about the cheap pairs you often find in the sporting good section of common retailers.

Most hand grippers on the market are, for the most part, only good for stress relief and at best, you may encounter a slight increase in grip strength if used excessively. If you're serious about gaining grip power and building powerful-looking forearms, I recommend "Captains of Crush." If you'd like to read more about those particular grippers and are also possibly interested in ordering these high-quality hand grips, visit the blog page "Build Forearm & Hand Strength - Captains of Crush." [Link is no longer active, but it is now Part 2 of this post.]

Anyway, the 3 basic ways to use hand grippers are: 
1) the standard grip motion that involves squeezing the gripper until it totally closes, then quickly release the hand grip, and then squeeze again; repeat process until the desired number of reps are met.

2) involves the upside-down grip; you'll perform the same action as described in method #1, but it will work the forearm somewhat differently since the points of pressure will be different. Fluctuating between the standard grip and the upside-down grip will give you a more complete lower arm workout. 

3) is what I call the "squeeze & hold method," and it's an excellent way to finish off a hand & forearm workout. You simply squeeze the gripper shut with a firm grip, then hold the gripper closed for as long as you can. You can also use the very similar "hold & release method" if you desire, which is basically the same concept except you will hold the gripper closed for a preselected amount of time before releasing it, then continue to repeat the process until the desired amount of reps. 

Although I have already gave a link to what I consider to be the best hand grippers on the market (Captains of Crush), if you'd like to browse through a large selection of hand strengthening devices and grippers, click the image (affiliate link) below:

---End of Part 1: "3 basic ways to use Hand Grippers"

Part 2: "Build Forearm & Hand Strength - Captains of Crush"

When it comes to strength training, most people think upper body. Well, having a crushing grip along with forearms of steel, is often overlooked by the fitness trainee albeit they are just as important, if not more. Luckily for me, I’ve always had strong hands and forearms since I was a teenager. Hey, people can’t blame it all on the excess jerking and pulling I did in the past that, well, never mind... Ha-ha!
But anyway, these mighty grippers are not your typical hand grippers, and they usually can’t be found at common retail stores, like, in the sporting goods section of Wal-Mart, for example. Captains of Crush (CoC) is the best built gripper I’ve ever seen; and it currently has 10 levels of strength (Update: They now have No. 0.5 that is not mentioned here.), as shown below:

1) No.1401 CoC Guide c. 60 lb.
For beginners, seniors, rehabilitation, and easy warm-ups.

2) No.1402 CoC Sport c. 80 lb.
For teenage athletes and strong guys who like light warm-ups.

3) No.1250 CoC Trainer c. 100 lb.
For anyone who is ready for serious grip training…

4) No.1251 CoC No. 1 c. 140 lb.
They say most people who lift weights can’t close this gripper. I’ve tested this one in public and, believe it or not, most people couldn’t completely close this particular hand grip!

5) No.1251.5 CoC No. 1.5 c. 167.5 lb.
This is great if you’re in between levels 1 & 2.

6) No.1252 CoC No. 2 c. 195 lb.
As their website says, “success here means you’ve got a grip to brag about. If someone’s life or your sport depends on your grip strength, conquer this gripper.” Well, I was barely able to close this gripper without any prior forearm & hand strength training.

7) No.1252.5 CoC No. 2.5 c. 237.5 lb.
You’re on your way to the famous No. 3.

8] No.1253 CoC No. 3 c. 280 lb.
Certifying on the Captains of Crush No. 3 Gripper is the most widely known and highly respected feat of grip strength in the world! Of course, closing a No. 4 would be the most respected, but I'm being realistic here.

9) No.1253.5 CoC No. 3.5 c. 322.5 lb.
Wow!  You’re almost there!

10) No.1272 CoC No. 4 c. 365 lb.
Certify the No. 4 and you have proven yourself on the final exam for crushing grip. Very few people in the world have ever done so, but if you can close Captains of Crush hand grip #4, you are one bad dude!

Buyer’s advice: Most people should probably start out on the CoC Sport or the CoC Trainer gripper and buy the tougher grippers as you need ’em.  Personally, I just bought the Trainer and the #1, #2, #3, and the #4.  Let's just say, I stopped progress after being able to close the #2 gripper and the Mighty hand grip #4 will never need to be took out of the package!

Shopping (Affiliate) Link:  

---End of Part 2: "Build Forearm & Hand Strength - Captains of Crush"

Image Credit: Fair Use - Product Image via Amazon.com

---End of Post "Captains of Crush - 3 basic ways to use Hand Grippers..."

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Can you use a push mower instead of a riding mower?

Well folks, at least where I'm from, it is that time of year again where everything is growing, blooming, thriving, stinging, biting, and life is in full swing. This is also the time of year when many people dread mowing their yard, for whatever reason, although most humanoids today use a riding mower - even for the small jobs! 

I have several peeves when it comes to other people and their mowing philosophy, but two of them really stand out. Number one, is the lawn mowing lunatics who mow their yard every two days (thanks to the good ole riding mower) - due to an obvious obsessive compulsive disorder, among other things. You can read all about what I think of those certain individuals, on another blogspot blog of mine, here: http://anti-dolt.blogspot.com/2010/05/lawn-mowing-lunatics-obsessive.html 

My second peeve about other people when it comes to mowing, is the ones who have tiny yards or even normal-sized yards, but refuse to use a push mower because they are too lazy. I'm not talking about the individuals who are disabled, old, or have huge yards. 

This post isn't a rant, but it is aggravating to watch people who are overweight, out of shape, lazy or whatever, refuse to exert any physical effort whatsoever, but then talk about how they wished they were in better condition or health. WTF? 

This is a very simple question, and if answered right, many individuals might actually get a little exercise this year. Can you use a push mower instead of a riding mower? Can you? Do you enjoy being lazy? Have you gave up on life and just feel like being lethargic is the best path to take in life? Think about it... I really think some people should sell their damn riding mower, go buy a push mower, get a little exercise this year and quit whining about cutting the grass or how they sweat too much in the hot sun. For some folks, mowing the yard is about the only time they will do anything outdoors each year, which is not a very healthy lifestyle - to stay indoors 24/7. 

I'm not your mother nor am I your physical trainer, but have any of you "less-than-motivated" people ever thought about getting a little more active? I know, technology, computers and other convenient technological advances out there can make a lot of us lazy or less active at times, but some people would be surprised at how much better they would feel if they moved around more and/or did more stuff outdoors. 

Other benefits to push mowing a yard besides using a riding mower, is the fact that it saves gas. The smaller motor on a push mower doesn't have to work as hard, especially because it is lighter and it doesn't have to carry your dependent ass around the yard, and just takes way less gasoline per job as opposed to the big, expensive riding yard machine that many of you have become fond of. In my opinion, push mowing a yard also allows a person to think about a lot of things and sort of temporarily clears the mind, almost medicinal at times, as you constantly go through the rhythmic patterns of mowing back & forth, left & right... 

Anyway, I know that most people in general are going to do whatever they want, no matter what they are aware of, told about, or whatever. But if one person could read this post and say, "you know, I really do need more exercise and I really don't need a riding mower for my yard," and actually sell it and start using a push mower this year, it will be worth the ramble. At any rate, just dropping a link down to my "lawn mowing lunatics" post, still made this entry worth writing. Ha-ha!

Okay folks, now try getting off your backside a little more this year and, if you get really motivated and have the land space, you may even want to put out a garden and grow your own food, as well. Enjoy the nice weather, while it's here... 

---End of Post "Can you use a push mower instead of a riding mower?"

Can't Hear? How to help Loosen & Remove plugged Ear Wax

This will now be a 2-part post since I've recently deleted an old website of mine and I'm in the process of combining related articles, moving content amid multiple blogs, etc. Actually, this would have been a 3-part post, but I forgot to copy one of the pages before I deleted that site. Anyway...

Part 1: "Can't Hear? How to help Loosen & Remove plugged Ear Wax"

Original Post Date: Sometime during the year 2010

I've always had an abundance of ear wax and have never given it much thought, until recently.  It is not anything to be proud of, but medical science tells us the gooey junk is necessary and it actually protects our ears.  Well, a few weeks ago, at the onset of a sinus/head cold, my right ear started acting up.  It seemed like there was water in it or something, but nothing ever came out.  I did, however, notice that I couldn't get any wax out of it anymore, while cleaning it.  I thought it might relate to the sinus condition and I didn't give it much further thought.

A couple weeks went by, and my head cold/sinus symptoms were gone.  Periodically, I would wake up in the morning and I couldn't hear out of my right ear the first few seconds.  I would sort of pull on it, open my mouth and it would pop, then everything would be fine.  Well, one day it never popped back, and I couldn't hear out of my right ear for 2.5 days.  Let me tell ya, it is weird walking around with one functioning ear!

On the 3rd day, I had to do something.  I don't like going to doctors unless it is a medical emergency, so I was reading all kinds of stuff online about ear ailments & treatments. I was shocked to find out how many people had ear-related problems.  
After reading for a while, I was pretty sure it wasn't an ear infection since there was no pain or strange looking crap coming out, so I narrowed it down to being plugged with wax.  Hmm, maybe this is why I no longer seemed to have any wax in that ear anymore.  Lucky for me, my girlfriend seemed to be knowledgeable about this subject and she provided the remedies (I wasted all that time online for nothing).  I didn't know people could pour some of the things in your ear, like she did.  Anyway, I'll share the info, in case anyone else has recently woke up with a plugged ear and doesn't know what to do.
Disclaimer: Remember now, I'm not a doctor nor is this professional medical advice, so use your own discretion and/or it is your ears so use your own judgment...

---How to Loosen & Remove Plugged Ear Wax:

This advice will only work for mild to semi-major plugged ears.  Severely packed wax that is deep into the middle ear area, may require a specialist.

If you just want to cleanse your ears, a simple application of Hydrogen Peroxide will work.
In my case, my right ear was so backed up with wax that I temporarily lost hearing out of it, and this is what I had to do.

I laid on my side (the side of my good ear), and she poured a small amount of Hydrogen Peroxide into the affected ear. It will begin to fizz; let it set for a minute.
Although, the doctors and other medical advice you'll find on the web always says "no" to the use of cotton swabs (Q-tips), we used them as well.  In fact, I think most people ignore the warnings, and it should be fine, as long as you don't jab it into your ear like you're trying to reach your brain or something.  Anyway...

After the peroxide set for a minute or so, I took a paper towel, held it over my ear and rolled over so it could drain out.  After that, she began to probe my ear with the cotton swab, but no such luck getting the wax.  The first application of Hydrogen Peroxide didn't work for me, but it began to loosen it, and she could now see a large size chunk that was stuck in my ear.  I thought to myself, oh, now that's why I couldn't hear...   We tried a second application, except this time she used the cotton swab while the peroxide was fizzing.  It was starting to break up, but I still could not hear.  Then a 3rd dose was poured into my ear, and this time, she massaged the area behind the ear and also pulled outward on it while the peroxide was fizzing.  Now, it was really breaking up and a lot of wax was removed via cotton swabs.

At this point, I was frustrated that I still had hearing loss, even though a lot of wax was took out.  Now, here comes some other liquid I didn't know you could pour in your ear: Cooking Oil.  She heated a teaspoon of Canola Oil over the stove, just enough to get it warm. I laid back on my side, and she poured it into my affected ear.  She then put a cotton ball in place, and I got up and went about my business.  I took the cotton ball out an hour later and lightly cleaned the inside of my ear with water.

The oil softens the remaining wax, so it has a better chance of being removed or, in some cases, falling out.  In a couple hours, that is what happened, and my hearing was restored.  I was so relieved that I didn't have to go visit a doctor or whatever.

So, the use of Hydrogen Peroxide, cotton swabs, and cooking oil was all that I needed.  In addition to being able to hear again, I got out of having a doctor bill.
Can't hear out of which ear?  Huh?  Perhaps you need to purge the wax from your ears...

---End of Part 1 "Can't Hear? How to help Loosen & Remove plugged Ear Wax"

Part 2: "Suffering from Common Ear Problems?"

Thus far, this blog has covered several topics related to physical fitness, supplements, vitamins & herbs and healthier ways of living, along with many other health-related subjects. However, there has been no mention of ear health or common ear-related problems, as of yet. I thought of this subject the other day, after viewing some traffic stats for a website of mine. It is a site that covers many topics and is just plain random. Anyway, that's besides the point... What I've noticed over the last several months while viewing traffic stats, is that there are way more people out there suffering with ear problems than I once thought. I currently only have two pages out of my entire site that is related to this topic, but they get hit quite often and with random search queries, keywords or whatever. In a moment, since this health blog has no posts in that area of health, I'll drop down the links for those who may be suffering and/or searching about certain types of ear problems.

It seems like some of the most common ear ailments that I've read about, are the following: ringing of the ears (tinnitus) and frequent problems with ear wax, which can lead to a lot of other symptoms or stem from ear infections and so on.

The problem that I notice a lot with tinnitus, besides the ones suffering with lifelong ear ringing and the misery it must cause in severe cases, is all the scams out there that claim to be a miracle cure for this seemingly common ailment. Man, this junk is almost as bad as the "Male Enhancement" promotions. If you're suffering from tinnitus that is due to ear damage (especially from the excessive exposure to loud noise), there hasn't been a medical cure for it that I'm aware of, yet there are these "cure tinnitus" pills all over the place claiming to do that very same thing (cure tinnitus). I think a lot of people who are actually thinking of buying some of these baloney products with fictitious claims, might need to read a quick blog post that warns about the possible scams out there. You can find it here: "Tinnitus Scams - Be leery..." [Link is no longer active]

Next in line, is for all the ones who have problems with plugged ear wax. Although the body produces it for a reason, some folks have this gooey junk so bad, that they literally end up with temporary hearing loss. This stuff isn't funny, either. You should try walking around with one functioning ear while the other feels like it has water in it. I will say, it has happened to me before, and it just ruined everything because no matter what I was doing, I just didn't feel like myself. In that sense, I would at least classify it as "temporary suffering," to say the least. The following link will provide you with some information that will hopefully help the ones who end up with mild to moderate cases of plugged ear wax and need to find a way to loosen it. This is what worked for me, but I'm not a doctor so if in doubt, use your own discretion and/or go see a professional who specializes in this field. Anyway, you can find the link here: "How to help loosen & remove plugged ear wax." [Link is no longer active, but it is now Part 1 of this post.]

While doing a quick image search, I found this ear picture. I must say, some people have other alternative outlooks when it comes to common ear problems. By looking at the image below, it appears that having a "naked ear" would be a problem... Now that's what I call a styling set of ornamental ears! I take that back... Perhaps they are suffering from something else? Ha-ha! Cheers!

---End of Part 2: "Suffering from Common Ear Problems?"

Image Credit: Source = en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Modified_Ear.jpg 

---End of Post "Can't Hear? How to help Loosen & Remove plugged Ear Wax"